Friday, November 30, 2007

I GOT IN!!!!!!

I received a letter in the mail today that informed/congratulated me on being accepted into Seattle University's Grad school! I think at this point I can humbling say "I'M AWESOME!!"

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Some thoughts...

I want to be a personal trainer! I love bossing people around at the gym and saying "good job" and "5 more and come on you get this." I would tell people to take their favorite treat, chocolate or cake (Oh I love the cake!) and cut it in half... then it's just half the calories so they can eat twice as much.
There mare a few challegenes in the way of this desire. #1 I don't know all the names of the muscles. I just point to my arm or my legs and say we're going to work this. #2 I would have to become friends with other personal trainers. why is this so bad? let me make a not too accurate blanket statement personal trainers usually = meetheads. and #3 I love sugar too much!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

duvets and gussets

Where do I start? I'm back in Seattle. And my skin is grateful.

While I was in Utah I realized that I have some funny girl friends. Kate, Court, and I had an evening out. I laughed so hard the inhale was present. I'm not sure if we did anything really awesome, but I had so much fun. We laptoped, we determine what dress looked the hottest , Tim came over, Kate made everyone ice cream plus milk mixture and court loved the phrase "dust? anyone? no?"

Back in Seattle Imri, Hans and I may or may not have done some yoga moves. There was talk of pilates and a short attempt at the 100. Glad to be back.

I also decided to face the ugly beast of drama head on. So far results appears to be successful.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Explaining Seattle to Utah

Being back in Utah I get questioned about my life in Seattle a lot. Since I don't currently go to school or have a job my normal response to basic questions is "no." For example: "So do you have a job in Seattle?" "Are you going to school up there?" "Do you have a lot of gay friends now?" "Have you found how Stella got her groove back?" and "what do you do all day?" A "no" response to these question has a negative connotation, which leads people to believe that I am not contributing my part to society. Lucky for me I planned a pre-emptive strike before I came to Utah to avoid such judgments.
The plan is two fold.
First, I prepared responses and deceivers for common questions. This is how it’s done: when people ask what I’m doing in Seattle I say waiting to hear back from Seattle U's grad school. The trick is to emphasis the words “grad school” and then quickly mentions the crazy interview. At this point I go off on how weird the interview was and get people focused on that. Now these individuals aren't even thinking if I'm a valuable member or society, they're thinking "what would I have done in that interview" or "that is really weird."
This brings me to the second portion that I prepared- the pictures. I ask if they want to see pictures of my life in Seattle (pictures shown below). And they’re thinking, “Oh who is this attractive individual" and "That Megan appears to be a delight to be around." At this point I have successfully presented myself as a fun, intelligent, creative, easy on the eyes, well rounded, punctual, clean, healthy, energetic, tired, fashionable, hospitable, social, little gem.

It's that easy. meow.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Today was a good day

I'm back in Utah for a few days and thus far it's been great. Here are some highlights from the afternoon. Let me start from when I got new pants.
- got some new pants, I think I like them.
- drove mom’s car and listened to Fionn Regan
- Heaven met my mouth. Kneaders Turkey Sandwich. I could have gone to bed right then and it still would have been marked a superb day.
- saw my bother (oh that's nice).

Some times past by… I met heather off the freeway and we were on our way to Kate’s birthday dinner. I love heather! I love here little heather fashion (let's be honest if it wasn't for her I’d still only wear Ataris shirts with chokers… gross).

The place we ate had no flavor, literally, the food was bland and that's coming from a girl who loves toasts. At this point in the blog I would like to make mention of the dinner highlights:
- Casey Lewis (he's such a nice human and easy on the eyes)
- I made Courtney laugh so hard she started crying
- Tim Glenn
- I chatted with Kate about some Seattle stories (before we sat down)

Afterward we went to Kate’s house for cake and icecream. Here are the highlights from that:
- Cake and icecream (I love sugar, duh)
- found longer than 3 letter words in a quick game of boggle (honey, stoners, etc)
- got to see Tim get his groove on to the music and with the ladies
- got to see Kate turn 23

On our way home heather and I stopped at Dallas’ house. highlights:
- received an interesting text on the way there
- saw Dallo's new half sleeve
- saw Carson! (He had a few to drink so I'm not sure if he'll remember our visit)

Thursday, November 15, 2007


I can't fall asleep anywhere. I have to feel comfortable- physically and socially. I have fallen asleep a few times a certain house and I'm not talking about my house and I'm not talking about sleeping with people either so don't go there!!! I am talking about taking a little cat nap. I would like to say thank you to these individuals for making me feel physically and socially comfortable enough that I can fall asleep at their residence. yeah I'm that awesome... I fell asleep on people while hanging out.

next item of business. two months ago if you would of said "Tim Gunn" I would have said "Tim Glenn?" and now I would say "yes please." The next time somebody asks me if I could have lunch with any one who would it be, I would say Tim Gunn (no offense Tim Glenn I love your timism but Gunns has got this fashion thing going on). Yes, I would have lunch with Tim Gunn and talk about my lack of the basic ten items.

finally I would like to take moment and update every one on my top songs/bands of the week:
1. Okkervil River- Listening to Otis Redding At Home During Christmas
2. +/-
3. bright eyes (no more Bright Eyes Restriction for me!!!!)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Heather tagged my ahhhhh

On heathers blog she "tagged" me... and said that I am suppose to answer the proceeding questions. I'm not sure of the repercussion if I do not answer and post these questions- bad Ju-Ju's ??? eeeek! I do not want that in my life. so here you go:

#1. Five things I was doing 10 years ago:
- obsessing over 311
- hanging out with Melissa Crane
- loving purple punch and macaroni n cheese
- buying a drum set
- obsessing over 311

#2. Five things on my to-do list today:
- go to the gym
- look up power words and interview skills for my Seattle U interview
- catch put on the Life of Pi
- call Tim Glenn
- watch New York Doll with Imri and Hans

#3. Five snacks I enjoy:
- Toast
- apples
- pudding
- zone bars
- wheat thins

#4. Five songs I know the lyrics to:
- Capa Cabana by Barry Manilow
- Living on a pray by Bon Jovi
- Love is a fast song by Copeland
- The sad waltzes of Pietro Crespi by Own
- Some will seek forgiveness others escape by Underoarth

#5. Five things I will never wear again:
- Jencos
- overalls
- my NOFX hoodie I gave to my sister 5 years ago
- brown eye shadow with bright red lip stick (gross!)
- skater shoes to church (I have church shoes now)

#6. Five of my favorite toys:
- Ipod
- laptop
- crochet hooks
- Jason's car while listen to rap
- Dr. Mario on super Nintendo

I'm guess I tag five people now... Oh great it's one of those chain things?! Imri, Kaldean, Tim, Kate and Wendy

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The words out...

Today people were under the impression that my blog would be the cats meow. And I submit that it is not! I'm just a girl who sometimes get secretive in not such secretive places (the internet). Who knows if these elements are even secrets! here's the trick- you sit me down in front of some nice coogies and ask me a couple of surface level personal questions, give it a minute for the sugar to kick in, and you can get out pretty much any secrets. (Note: to those individuals who I promised I would "keep it a secret" these secrets are safe, that would call for coogies and energy drinks and things would get crazy.) Let me sum up my thoughts on these events-
1. The cat's meow blogs are listed on the right hand side of the page under "human beeeings "
2. dbm! they're just first impressions and such...

Anywho, I have re-realized that the meanest people on earth are 13 year old girls, because they form cliques. Their games- social games. Their weapons- relational aggression. Have I been a victim to such crimes- sadly yes. People, we need to pull together and fight this! or just give me the tools and the man-power to arm myself! WHAT IS 13 YEAR OLDS GIRLS KRYPTONITE??? brownies??? super hot teenage boy heart breakers???

Thirdly, they say"he just not that into you" but what if she's just not that into him? Do I just tell my friend, "oh yeah guy read this book, I've gone through and turned all the 'he' and 'him' into 'she' and 'her.' And all the 'you go girl!' into 'you go dogg!' "

I love Seattle. I'm growing into a new person. A type of person who curses over email when needed. A type of person who is trying to become more "PC." A type of person who eats sushi with Imri. I love the friends I have made here and the crafts I have crafted here.

Finally I would like to give a shout out to Kanye and his mom. RIP Mrs. Donda West.
"I wanna tell the whole world about a friend of mine
This little light of mine and I'm finna let it shine
I'm finna take yall back to them better times
I'm finna talk about my mama if yall don't mind"