Sunday, September 28, 2008

I know I know

This blog is totally boring lately. I'm falling asleep just typing about it.

I would like to make a re-re-commitment. 3rd times a charm.

awesome post to come.... I promise!

here this should entertain you in the mean time

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Some junk I would like to comment on about my trip in Utah thus far

  1. I love getting multiple prank calls from Cassie in one night
  2. I love meeting hope (and as much as I want to call her hope floats right now I shall not because I like her that much)
  3. I like when i make Steph laugh so hard that she cries. (i.e. when Morgan tried to tell us a pick up line that started out "hey you forgot something..." and I jumped in and said "you're virginity!")
  4. didn't go to Provo. didn't "hang out" with Dan (got scared)
  5. meet new nephew.
  6. played with Logan (it was the best)!!!

to be continued...

Cat. I'm a kitty cat

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I'm a theif!

I steal internet now. and I'm not just sitting in my room borrowing my neighbors, this is straight out going to my old house telling them I want to check to see if I've gotten anything in the mail and then slipping into the back room and frantically checking my emails and blog. I've also sat on peoples porches and stealing their internet.

I'm sorry... I just need my fix.... just a quick internet fix.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

oh yeah

thanks mark for letting me use your internet.

Imri stay save, I can't wait to hear all about your trip

Sarah keep on rocking!

I don't have internet

my new place doesn't have internet so my blog is being very boring..... :(
but comes the 22nd I'll be back to blogging.


Saturday, September 6, 2008

It's so epic

The kids at the school I work at showed me this
(it's very17 year old of me)