Saturday, October 3, 2009

Trip of a life time

I'm going to Japan in a few days (on the 7th) and I have so many emotions about it. I'm nervous, I've seen taken, I don't personal know Liam Neeson so who would save me? Also nevrous for the public bathing areas... I prefer to keep my clothes on when other people are around.

I'm excited! I'm going far far from home. I'm going to that heart or Tokyo Drift! I'm excited to experience such a different culture. Will people be nice? Will people notice that I'm tall? What will I eat? oh I'm just so excited! I know I will have fun with Nathaniel- he's funny and I'm funny...

I have a touch of anxiety. what should I expect? Plus airport make me have anxiety as it is, and now I'm going international-eek!

Japan! get ready for belchincense and myrrh

1 comment:

nathaniel said...

um, i think i am just as good as liam neeson at punching dudes in the throat and shooting other dudes in the back. you watch.