Tuesday, December 28, 2010

My first book

Lately I've been into the idea of writing a book. Nothing fancy or in the young adult fiction section, I'm not that good . Just some children novels and self help books. I would urge authors who can write stick with the adult non-fiction, fiction, cook books and short essays; you have your glory, stay out the illiterates sections!

Any who, my first, well not my first but the one idea I'd like to mention now, is a self help book for the gentlemen caller. It's called, "How to pick up on pregnant chicks and other single moms." This book is aimed for men who worried about getting a lady pregnant (because they fear their genes aren't acceptable to be pass on to the next generation they often wonder with disgust how their ancestors made it this far, or because they like a lady with some baggage-emotional and physical, etc.,).

Here's a brief look at the first chapter:

ch. 1 pick up lines and locations
Ideal locations for meeting pregnant women are outside of doctor's offices and lamaze classes. Wait patiently until you see a lady that catches your fancy, ready yourself with some of these foolproof lines:
-"pregnant looks good on you!"
-"I never learned to read, but you got FINE written all over you"

It's also a good idea to yell stuff to passing kids, to let your ladies know your good with children. Here are some great friendly lines:
- "get in the car I'm a friend of your mothers"
-" you want some candy, i got candy in my car"

You'll have her eating dirt and other weird cravings out of the palm of your hand!
pretty good start I'd say. best seller?

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