Friday, February 1, 2008

I want to move back to Utah

If I had to make the decision right now, in this very minute, I would move back to Utah. If I had to choose right now, where I wish I could wake up tomorrow I would say Salt Lake. I miss so many things. Awesome friends, funny mom, loving family, etc. I've got to give it a few more months. I'm just a lonely little kitty right now who misses her kitty home...


kate said...

but if you live here, how am i going to visit you in seattle?

heather said...

utah misses you too

Megan Whittaker said...

meggie poo!! don't miss us here-If you move back then you'll always wonder if you should have stayed. You're right-give it more time...

Fish Nat!on said...

that is interesting to hear those sentiments. i very much desire to get out of utah, but also wonder if i would be feeling the same as you. That is why i have decided i will only move if at least one person goes with me.