Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A re-pledge

How dare I neglect my responsibility, nay my duty, of this blog. They say one person can change a the world, I say one blog can change a life (and for the better).

How dare I neglect my peers, my fellow bloggers.

How dare I be so lazy , nay so selfish that I put off such post as this. tis disgraceful.

There are lives to change, people to influence, hours to help pass by with glee.

I only ask that thou would forgive me. Forgive me.


Lizzy said...

Your request for forgiveness was respectfully sought, and begrudgingly given. Let's not have the tragedy of blog posting postponement happen again. Agreed?

Brett and sometimes Benji said...

Funny enough this was the first day I have checked your blog since your last entry. Thank goodness for phones and instant messages and megans.

imri said...


....this time.

b said...

I need this. It's my only contact with your life.