Saturday, January 17, 2009

I'm better with strangers

In the past I've gotten phones numbers from strangers relatively easy. All I need is someone to dare me to "get that guys number" and done and done. Easy. But how do you get an acquaintance number? It's easy with stranger because you're saying "I don't know you, but I could be into you." With acquaintances what are you saying, "I kind of know you and you seem cool and I want to get to know you more, but so far you haven't gotten my number so maybe you don't find me interesting so maybe I shouldn't even try, but I'm going to any ways because maybe you've just never thought of me in that way and by me getting your number you'll think of me in that way, or maybe you already thought of me in that way and you're over it and now by me getting your number I'm making this awkward which it kind of already is in the first place because we're just acquaintances?" Is that what you're saying when you get an acquaintance number.

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