Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I'm pretty sure my room is that hottest room in the house (and I'm not talk romance, especially since the only boy I've had in my room is Imri and he has a strict no touching policy.)

ps. we watched Goonies in the park tonight, I LOVE that movie. Mainly because of Liz and Jess- HEY YOU GUYSSSSS!!!


(julie) said...

You are welcome in my cool basement bed anytime you want! Like right now.

Lizzy said...

The uncut version (not the version we grew up watching) is even better!

Hey Mikie, gotta go to the bathroom??

P.S. I'm naming this kid Jake just so I can smack him on the side of the head and say, "Jake! Leave him alone!" (Just kidding about the smacking part though...)