Sunday, March 21, 2010

Match dot com. Cycle # 6

They said it couldn't be matched. Our hearts were not expecting such matchery or should I say match-rimony. Well I present to you

PHIL +MEGAN+ AUSTIN= cycle six
it's the perfect trifecta. He's Asian. She can't read. and he's going to Columbia med school for the blind.

He works at struck and that's just what you'll be when you see his raging biceps. He loves STD(s). He's in not one, not two, but two bands. He has naturally curly hair but straightens it everyday so Austin get your flat iron.

She's tall, puffy knees, really funny. Loves kitty half-sleeves (has an appointment for three at tits, tats 'n things on 11th so get ready to get some ink done). Has room for two boys in her bed. She makes you read her blog out loud to her, so put on your reading glasses guys.

His motto "ever heard of me? if not, then don't even bother." His m.o. playing games he knows he will win, direct quote: "I have the high score on all my friends' iphone games." He also has the high score on Paul Moyle's heart. His parents will make you a sandwich and his eyes will make you not a virgin. and if med school doesn't pan out he can make a helluva billboard slogan.

Why it will work. Direct quote from Austin, "I guarantee that I'm better than your boyfriend at everything." Austin is obsessed with Phil, and Phil is indifferent and that's just what Austin needs. She's a solid B, give her an asian and cocky S.O.B. and we got a stew going.

Terms and conditions
This was constructed under the use of laughter and big red. If any of the above individuals are dating someone, I was not aware of this status and will be willing to re-sign you to your current co-partner(s). These matches do not incorporate proximity of individuals but do incorporate a high likelihood of falling in love. If marriage does occur for this blog post I retain a 33% input into bridesmaids and polyandry residential location. If one of the partners acts upon said match I will be willing to reimburse first date cost up to $20.00 usd (Am I asking you guys on a date or what?). If you are not listed in the above post, do not be offended, this is due to one of the following reasons: you are not single (according to facebook), I'm waiting to find the prefect match for you, or you're a Chris Douche.


Whittron said...

belcher, I love when you blog. it's so true, you are really funny.

Unknown said...

this is inappropriate.

blackstarmonkey said...

now things are getting interesting. if i get two lovers, can we go on a double date.

Meghan said...

I heart this