I went to with . I ran. not very long or very fast. I came home got ready and picked me up. We went to 's for the u.s. vs Ghana soccer game. it got loud, then it got real long, then it got , and I got tired. dropped me off home. and I went to my mom's house to pick up couch. We met and there. Told some jokes, put the couch in 's truck (that guy is so christian and i don't mean morris). met us back at my house. Getting the couch inside the house was difficult. Once inside the house it took 2 hours of trying, turning, laughing, yelling, pushing, putting holes in the wall to realize- it wasn't going to fit in the tv room. so now the couch is in some random hallway. went to 's wedding reception. I saw old friend and they were delightful. met at urban blouse fitters. I bought some pants for $9.00. went and saw grown ups... boring. drove me home and gave me some brotherly advice.
I had breakfast with at great harvest. Then I went and saw with and Danny. I liked it more than I thought. and had lunch where met up with us. and developed pictures of the for part of my father's day gift. While we were waiting we guessed plot lines for the terrible movies they had on sale. Then and I went to the (yup I golf now). was dressed liked this and loved it. My mom took , and out to dinner. It was very yummy. My mom's the best! We wanted to watch but couldn't find it, or figure out how to order it on ppv, so we watched instead. It was a great day!