I went to with . I ran. not very long or very fast. I came home got ready and picked me up. We went to 's for the u.s. vs Ghana soccer game. it got loud, then it got real long, then it got , and I got tired. dropped me off home. and I went to my mom's house to pick up couch. We met and there. Told some jokes, put the couch in 's truck (that guy is so christian and i don't mean morris). met us back at my house. Getting the couch inside the house was difficult. Once inside the house it took 2 hours of trying, turning, laughing, yelling, pushing, putting holes in the wall to realize- it wasn't going to fit in the tv room. so now the couch is in some random hallway. went to 's wedding reception. I saw old friend and they were delightful. met at urban blouse fitters. I bought some pants for $9.00. went and saw grown ups... boring. drove me home and gave me some brotherly advice.
nice one...
100 out of 100 for creativity...
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