Sunday, April 6, 2008

Megan's Awesome Event

Seattle is dark and usually raining. Sometimes I feel my life here mirrors that. Last night, however, was such a refreshing break of the mundane routine.

I saw my friend Brett last night. This event happens, on average, 2 times a year. An event I wish could happen on a more regular basis. Great things always seem to occur when I am around Brett. Here is a list of some of last nights gems: two bar fights, laughter (hard laughter that makes you feel good all over), Jubees, seeing Jacob and Zach and remembering how nice they are, a reminder that I love live music, talk of Cassie designing shirt for Mae, Melissa getting hit on, Cassie drawing toasters for people, mace, a super late night full of new friends, etc. I love my friend Brett. I just want to put him in my pocket, share stories with him, go through my photo albums with him, go through his photo albums, go get a turkey sandwich with him, and pet kitties. Only good things for Brett, only good things.

Thank you Brett for making my life a little better.

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