I drove a bmw thanks to the guy to my left. (that's right you even got a picture on the blog)
I got trapped in a webb of desire. thanks to the guy in the web
Kurt and I were accessories to Kaylene's costume. Kaylene= ugly betty. Kurt=mark. Megan=amanda.
It was a fun weekend. Thanks friends!
Megan, I read your previous post where you mentioned my [misspelled] name and I died of happiness, but after seeing my PICTURE!!! ...I'm resurrected by joy. Thank you Megan Belsher, thank you.
PS I can't wait for you to get home! Please bring me back a souvenier (hot Mormon girl) from Utah. Most of your friends would do. Also please bring back more than one, I'm kind of choosey.
Megan, I read your previous post where you mentioned my [misspelled] name and I died of happiness, but after seeing my PICTURE!!! ...I'm resurrected by joy. Thank you Megan Belsher, thank you.
PS I can't wait for you to get home! Please bring me back a souvenier (hot Mormon girl) from Utah. Most of your friends would do. Also please bring back more than one, I'm kind of choosey.
diann, youre a beauty. and i love the word top notch. words. come back to me
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