Tuesday, July 1, 2008

the drunken party next door...

I live next to some partiers. they love drinking and saying the f-word real loud. A recent them is me waking up by the f-word at 2am to their drunk conversations (of a boring nature). Question- if U dub is such a good school shouldn't they have an increased vocab? and shouldn't their conversations be somewhat interesting and educational?

So here's where I need some suggestions/ideas how can I decrease this behavior (or at least quit it down)?

some ideas I have thought of:
  • ask politely to have them use their 12 inch whispers on week days nights
  • (this one inspired by Cassie) Yell Mormon words at them real loud from my window (such as "stake dance!" "Nephi!" "patriarchal blessing!" etc.)
  • waking up real early and talk loud about boring stuff to wake them up
I realize some of these ideas are not very Christian.

How effective would these ideas be? if you have other ideas or suggestions let me know.


Lizzy said...

We lived next to some classy drunkers in Oregon. They would turn up their porn super loud and then have loud sex and then they'd get into a huge fight and the guy would scream "You just don't do it for me anymore" and then drive off in his sweet blue ford clunker. Then the girl would go chasing after him crying with mascara running down her face. True story.

We played the boring, tattletale card and told the manager (after weeks and weeks of it). We even had to call the police once because they got into a huge fight and you could hear the girls screaming, "don't kill him!"

Oh, I do not miss living next to them. But they were entertaining.

kate said...

just tell them to 'shu up'? repeatedly?

Brett and sometimes Benji said...

Grab Cassie. Take her to a costume store. Buy 2 policewoman outfits. Put them on. Knock on the U Dubbers' door. Tell them they're headed "downtown" to talk to "the chief" if they don't shut their "darn yappers". And then say... "You got any drugs in there? Huh? Do ya?"