rumored cast:
Nephi- Taylor Lautner

Lehi- Morgan Freeman

Sariah- Merly Streep

Laman and Lemuel- Harry and Marv from home alone

other rumored cast members
Laban- the rock
Jacob- Edward Cullen/Robert Pattinson
pretty good start I'd say. best seller?
ch. 1 pick up lines and locations
Ideal locations for meeting pregnant women are outside of doctor's offices and lamaze classes. Wait patiently until you see a lady that catches your fancy, ready yourself with some of these foolproof lines:
-"pregnant looks good on you!"
-"I never learned to read, but you got FINE written all over you"
It's also a good idea to yell stuff to passing kids, to let your ladies know your good with children. Here are some great friendly lines:
- "get in the car I'm a friend of your mothers"
-" you want some candy, i got candy in my car"
You'll have her eating dirt and other weird cravings out of the palm of your hand!
listen here, there are some swears though...I've still been sending textes that should have been proof read
"you should be in add its part football curfew"I've still been working with crazy teens
"Did you win t.e snacap meat? and was it delicious"
Yesterday at work I was watching Channel one with the younger, much slower group (I mean they're 13 but they think like 6 years olds, seriously, they're slow. But don't think I'm judging or making fun of them cause I give them candy at least 4 times a week and help them learn how to round) Anywho, yesterday near the end of school we were watching channel one and the fake news anchor says, "and that's your news for October 1st." Then the biggest and possibly the slowest kid in the class says, "did he just say O-o-o-october 1st? O-o-o-october 1st is my birthday." I said, "Yeah he did say October 1st, wow, so it's your birthday! Happy birthday." A moment of silence passes. "No-o-o-o my birthday is O-o-o-october 21st, I forgot the 2. I forgot the 2, it's O-o-o-october 21st."
When I first met Austin I thought- “who does this guy think he is?” but after minutes, hours, of talking with him about himself I realized “oh he thinks he’s PERFECT”….and not just HIM but everything he did was perfect. Rock climbing. Pictionary. Kissing girls in the same location. Writing. Grammar. I have yet to find something that Austin isn’t perfectly good at, probably cause if I did he wouldn’t do it.
Well Austin I think you’ll be perfect competition for Casey Lewis in New York.