Thursday, November 15, 2007


I can't fall asleep anywhere. I have to feel comfortable- physically and socially. I have fallen asleep a few times a certain house and I'm not talking about my house and I'm not talking about sleeping with people either so don't go there!!! I am talking about taking a little cat nap. I would like to say thank you to these individuals for making me feel physically and socially comfortable enough that I can fall asleep at their residence. yeah I'm that awesome... I fell asleep on people while hanging out.

next item of business. two months ago if you would of said "Tim Gunn" I would have said "Tim Glenn?" and now I would say "yes please." The next time somebody asks me if I could have lunch with any one who would it be, I would say Tim Gunn (no offense Tim Glenn I love your timism but Gunns has got this fashion thing going on). Yes, I would have lunch with Tim Gunn and talk about my lack of the basic ten items.

finally I would like to take moment and update every one on my top songs/bands of the week:
1. Okkervil River- Listening to Otis Redding At Home During Christmas
2. +/-
3. bright eyes (no more Bright Eyes Restriction for me!!!!)

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